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Cast of Characters


In this strange metaphysical e-world seven odd companions and two sub-atomic quarks attempt to define existence, the meaning of the universe and about anything else that can't be explained. Some day they might get it right.


Bush and

BUSH, obvious for his appearance, is the father figure of the group as well as the boss in charge. While he tries to lend a sympathetic ear to everyone's concerns he rarely succeeds. "No one home" fits his attitude nicely.


WALLBANGER, the group's version of a femme fatale, has a brilliant mind somewhere within her cranial cavity. It just manifests in mysterious ways.

and Mole

TUMBLEWEED is the sometime bureaucrat, and straight guy to everyone else. He's the silent worker behind the scenes who knows where everything is and why. He's also easily taken in by everyone else's schemes.


MOLE has the distinction of being "Mr. Entrepreneur" and networker. He's always working "the angle" and can find anything, anywhere- for a price.

All cartoons (c) 1967, 1971, 1977, 2005, 2015 by Michael A. Lente

Phrog and

PHROG, as named by his eyes, could have been a physicist. But somewhere along the line his mind imploded and now he just meditates and raves. He actually knows something when he tries.


MUNCHKIN is the man of varied experiences and alternate schemes. He would succeed beyond his wildest dreams if he didn't always shoot himself in the foot.

Shell and the Quarks (Boson and Higgs)

SHELL, named because of his peculiar haircut, is the only one truely constantly seeking the meaning of anything. He believes existence can be located upon a deeper lever. He's just not sure of what that deeper level consists.


QUARKS, Boson and Higgs, are semi-philosophical subatomic particles who seek knowledge of creation from the other side of existence. They're just not sure anything is real beyond their realm of reference.

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